Casting Call for Commercial
This project is accepting online auditions for the roles listed below.
Project Title
National TV spot
Casting Agent/Contact
Rob Frankel
Project Type
Union Status
Shoot Dates
Shoot Location
This is a paying, non-union gig. You can get complete details at Seriously, go there and follow the instructions to submit headshots and your details. This is a :60 national TV spot requiring actors/comedians of ALL shapes, color and size talking directly to camera as if giving the viewer friendly advice, which will be used in the spot and on the client's website. Personality has to be credible and accessible. IMPORTANT: Your look must be between 30 and 50. NOT looking for beauty, but character. An "every day type of person" that you meet in line at the post office. Again, please visit Thank you!
Friendly advice giver - Male or Female / Lead / Any Ethnicity / 25-52
This is a paying, non-union gig. You can get complete details at Seriously, go there and follow the instructions to submit headshots and your details. This is a :60 national TV spot requiring actors/comedians of ALL shapes, color and size talking directly to camera as if giving the viewer friendly advice, which will be used in the spot and on the client's website. Personality has to be credible and accessible. IMPORTANT: Your look must be between 30 and 50. NOT looking for beauty, but character. An "every day type of person" that you meet in line at the post office. Again, please visit Thank you!TypeLeadUnionNon-UnionPaying?Yes - $200 Flat rate buyoutSpot/EpisodeRole GenderMale or FemaleAge Range25-52Ethnic AppearanceAny EthnicityRole DescriptionThis is a paying, non-union gig. You can get complete details at Seriously, go there and follow the instructions to submit headshots and your details. This is a :60 national TV spot requiring actors/comedians of ALL shapes, color and size talking directly to camera as if giving the viewer friendly advice, which will be used in the spot and on the client's website. Personality has to be credible and accessible. IMPORTANT: Your look must be between 30 and 50. NOT looking for beauty, but character. An "every day type of person" that you meet in line at the post office. Again, please visit Thank you!Nudity?NoSexual Situations?No: NoWardrobeBe the person in line at the post office.Accepts Video Submissions?
This project accepts online auditions through Casting Elite. To submit for this casting call, click the "Submit Audition" button next to the role that you're interested in and login or create a new account.
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