Casting Call for Internet
This project is accepting online auditions for the roles listed below.
Project Title
Create videos that provide advice for college students
Casting Agent/Contact
Jeff Cohen
Project Type
Union Status
Shoot Dates
Shoot Location
Admitopia is an education company that provides advice on college life, careers and other topics that benefit students. We have a YouTube channel that provides videos that talk about these topics. We are looking to grow the number of videos that will be published to our channel. For example several college students are looking for advice in regards to study tips for exams, how to deal with the freshman 15, dating tips, fashion advice, beauty secrets and more. The goal is that instead just having students read our blog they can watch interesting and entertaining videos that cover similar topics.
This project accepts online auditions through Casting Elite. To submit for this casting call, click the "Submit Audition" button next to the role that you're interested in and login or create a new account.
Feedbacks & Questions
We love hearing from our users. Please contact us with any questions, comments, or suggestions.