Casting Call for Commercial
This project is accepting online auditions for the roles listed below.
Project Title
Unlimited Bars
Casting Agent/Contact
Alexia Madrigal
Project Type
Union Status
Social Media Spot
Shoot Dates
10/21 or 20/22 (still pending)
Shoot Location
New York, NY
Looking for unique Rappers with the ability to stop a stranger on the street with their freestyling skills!! The spot is about a musician rapper running late for a meeting, on his way to his meeting he comes across people trying to impress him with their freestyling skills.
Unique looking rapper with the incredible skill to freestyle - Male or Female / Supporting / Any Ethnicity / 18-80
MUST LIVE IN NY. A unique rapper with skills to freestyle under pressure. Please include a video of your freestyle skills along with photos, social media handle.TypeSupportingUnionNon-UnionPaying?Yes - $300.00 / 8 hrsSpot/EpisodeSpot // DigitalRole GenderMale or FemaleAge Range18-80Ethnic AppearanceAny EthnicityRole DescriptionMUST LIVE IN NY. A unique rapper with skills to freestyle under pressure. Please include a video of your freestyle skills along with photos, social media handle.Nudity?NoSexual Situations?No: NoWardrobeThis will come later, depending on role.Accepts Video Submissions?
This project accepts online auditions through Casting Elite. To submit for this casting call, click the "Submit Audition" button next to the role that you're interested in and login or create a new account.
Feedbacks & Questions
We love hearing from our users. Please contact us with any questions, comments, or suggestions.