Casting Call for Student Film
This project is accepting online auditions for the roles listed below.
Project Title
Not Goodbye
Casting Agent/Contact
Josh Martin
Project Type
Student Film
Union Status
Shoot Dates
December 2, 2017
Shoot Location
Clayton State University
This is a Student film about three friends who have to say goodbye as they go there separate ways. I am looking for any level of experience even if you have never acted before. You will not get payed, but two free meals will be provided. My crew is very good and very friendly.
John Paul (JP) - Male / Lead / Any Ethnicity / 19-25
John Paul is a very loving person and he is there to support Cat and Joan (the two other characters) as they say goodbye. He is kind of the strong voice of reason. Looking for someone who has a good range of emotions.TypeLeadUnionNon-UnionPaying?No - $0.00Spot/EpisodeRole GenderMaleAge Range19-25Ethnic AppearanceAny EthnicityRole DescriptionJohn Paul is a very loving person and he is there to support Cat and Joan (the two other characters) as they say goodbye. He is kind of the strong voice of reason. Looking for someone who has a good range of emotions.Nudity?NoSexual Situations?No: NoWardrobeAccepts Video Submissions?
This project accepts online auditions through Casting Elite. To submit for this casting call, click the "Submit Audition" button next to the role that you're interested in and login or create a new account.
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