Casting Call for Short Film
This project is accepting online auditions for the roles listed below.
Project Title
My Brother, My Sister
Casting Agent/Contact
Sharif Razzaq
Project Type
Short Film
Union Status
15 minutes
Shoot Dates
Febuary 1st
Shoot Location
Raleigh, NC
Actress needed for the lead role, Raleigh, NC
Creepyfilmz Productions is looking for an actor to play the lead in the upcoming short “My Sister.”
Filming will take place for at least two days plus at least one day to rehearse per the actor’s availability in early February of 2020. Indicate your availability. All filming and rehearsal takes place in Raleigh, North Carolina. Must be willing to work as a local.
A brother and sister are coping with the trauma of watching their drug-abusing parents die in front of them. Struggling and cooped up in a motel, their choices lead to unfortunate consequences.
Character breakdown:
Bri/Lead/female/21 to 38. Appearance: Dark brown hair and dark brown eyes with an olive complexion, esp., Native American, Persian, Egyptian, Spanish, Latina, or Mixed descent. Height 5’2″ to 5’6″ Body type: thin, petite to average.
Bri is the younger sister of Kai. She is affected by her medications for anxiety and depression. She is sweet, naive, and anxious. She is agoraphobic and desperate for her brother’s attention and affection.
Absolutely no nudity. There is kissing and holding (Intimacy).
Send headshot, body shot, reel or clips, and resume to If you don't have a reel or clips that's fine. No selfies. Candidates will receive a side. Auditions may be taped or done in person in Raleigh. Auditions will be accepted through January 31st, 2020. Any missing items will disqualify the applicant.
IMDb credit and copy of the film.
Our work:
Creepyfilmz Productions is looking for an actor to play the lead in the upcoming short “My Sister.”
Filming will take place for at least two days plus at least one day to rehearse per the actor’s availability in early February of 2020. Indicate your availability. All filming and rehearsal takes place in Raleigh, North Carolina. Must be willing to work as a local.
A brother and sister are coping with the trauma of watching their drug-abusing parents die in front of them. Struggling and cooped up in a motel, their choices lead to unfortunate consequences.
Character breakdown:
Bri/Lead/female/21 to 38. Appearance: Dark brown hair and dark brown eyes with an olive complexion, esp., Native American, Persian, Egyptian, Spanish, Latina, or Mixed descent. Height 5’2″ to 5’6″ Body type: thin, petite to average.
Bri is the younger sister of Kai. She is affected by her medications for anxiety and depression. She is sweet, naive, and anxious. She is agoraphobic and desperate for her brother’s attention and affection.
Absolutely no nudity. There is kissing and holding (Intimacy).
Send headshot, body shot, reel or clips, and resume to If you don't have a reel or clips that's fine. No selfies. Candidates will receive a side. Auditions may be taped or done in person in Raleigh. Auditions will be accepted through January 31st, 2020. Any missing items will disqualify the applicant.
IMDb credit and copy of the film.
Our work:
Bri - Female / Lead / Caucasian, Ethnically Ambiguous, Hispanic, Middle Eastern / 21-38 / Sexual Situations
Bri is the younger sister of Kai. She is affected by her medications for anxiety and depression. She is sweet, naive, and anxious. She is agoraphobic and desperate for her brother’s attention and affection.TypeLeadUnionNon-UnionPaying?No - 0.00Spot/EpisodeRole GenderFemaleAge Range21-38Ethnic AppearanceCaucasian, Ethnically Ambiguous, Hispanic, Middle EasternRole DescriptionBri is the younger sister of Kai. She is affected by her medications for anxiety and depression. She is sweet, naive, and anxious. She is agoraphobic and desperate for her brother’s attention and affection.Nudity?NoSexual Situations?Yes: YesWardrobeAccepts Video Submissions?
This project accepts online auditions through Casting Elite. To submit for this casting call, click the "Submit Audition" button next to the role that you're interested in and login or create a new account.
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