Sides & Audition Instructions
This project is accepting online video auditions through Casting Elite.
Male / Supporting / Caucasian / 20-25
This project is accepting online video auditions through Casting Elite. Casting Directors provide specific directions regarding what they'd like to see included in the video auditions. It may be a simple introduction or a reading of sides. By customizing the content, they are able to see your personality and ensure that the submission is recent. You will have until May 31, 2014 to record and upload your video.
Audition Instructions/Sides:
Slate your name and phone number.Read provided character sides 2 different ways.
Brawney Jacks SIDES
BRAWNEY JACKS, a thick, broad shouldered young man in his early 20’s, puts on a pair of SONY studio quality headphones, waggles his neck side to side, it makes a cracking sound.
Potting up the volume on his microphone, Brawney speaks.
The next set of Boot Scootin’, Honky Tonkin’ Countrified sounds this hour comes your way courtesy of Fast Freddie and the boys over at Fast Freddie’s Off Road Shop...
Looking down at the board for a second, He pushes a button labeled CD 1. The intro to Dwight Yoakums “A Thousand Miles from Nowhere” streams through his headphones.
1:51 in the PM, with a bone dry 97 degrees here in the Junction. Brawney Jacks fixin’ to punch out for the day, before I go though I’ve cued up tunes from Toby Keith, Doug Kershaw and right now it’s my man, D-White Yoakum...
The door to the on-air studio opens and a scruffy man in his mid thirties shuffles in. Brawney smirks.
(Still on the air)
... singin’ about feeling a thousand miles from nowhere...
Brawney winks at the man.
... your tour guide on that long desolate trip will be the one and only CALEB DEPPERMAN, right here on 102.5 KDIL, “The Dillo” F.M.
Dwight Yoakum starts singing at that moment and Brawney extinguishes the light on the “Mic” button, drags his headphones off his head, down around his neck and smiles.
Woooo! Hit the post again!
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