Sides & Audition Instructions
This project is accepting online video auditions through Casting Elite.
Male / Supporting / Caucasian / 30-35
This project is accepting online video auditions through Casting Elite. Casting Directors provide specific directions regarding what they'd like to see included in the video auditions. It may be a simple introduction or a reading of sides. By customizing the content, they are able to see your personality and ensure that the submission is recent. You will have until May 31, 2014 to record and upload your video.
Audition Instructions/Sides:
Slate your name and Phone Number.Read provided character sides 2 different ways.
Caleb Depperman /Brawney Jacks SIDES
CALEB DEPPERMAN, an average sized man in his mid thirties with a bit of a mercurial demeanor, lets his black leather bag drop on the floor and plops himself into a chair.
What’s the haps, dude!
Caleb doesn’t look at him.
I think I have Leprosy.
Caleb rubs his shoulder, struggling to see.
Leprosy! What are you talking about? This is nowhere Texas, not India or China or something.
Caleb stands up, still trying to see a patch of skin on his back, near his shoulder... he fumbles towards the small mirror on the wall of the studio.
If I could just reach...
Brawney rolls his eyes.
Dude, you thought you had Dengue Fever last week.
Stopping his search, he looks at Brawney.
That still hasn’t been ruled out.
Smiling, Brawney stands up from the on-air chair, affecting a grandiose bow in Caleb’s direction.
Here you go, Boss...
What? Oh yeah...
Caleb gives up his search, reluctantly, and settles into the on-air chair. Brawney grabs an aerosol bottle of Lysol and sprays the control board area.
Caleb irritably tries to duck the spray.
Shingles aren’t contagious!
Really? How’d you get em’ then?
Caleb ponders this for a few seconds.
Anything’s possible.
Brawney looks out the studio window, off to the left, that faces the street.
Brawney steals a look at Caleb, he is still trying to get a glimpse of his shoulder.
You might be right...
I heard that the family in the house down the street has Monkey Pox.
Caleb continues what he is doing.
... don’t you walk, Wolfman, past their house on the way to work?
Stopping what he is doing, Caleb’s eyes get larger.
Enjoying the fright in Caleb’s face, Brawney burst out laughing.
Your such a Schmuck, Brawney... you know that?
Brawney walks out of the make shift control room, that not too long ago was someone’s bedroom, slows and starts to speak without looking at Caleb.
Your absolutely right, Caleb...
Turning around suddenly without an ounce of humor in his face, looks directly at Caleb.
... Anything. is. Possible.
Brawney continues his stare at Caleb after he finishes speaking for several more seconds, he suddenly exits the studio.
The camera pans to Caleb, a look of fear on his face, starts to feverishly check his forehead for signs of fever.
A high pitched, boyish laugh is heard outside the studio door.
Feedbacks & Questions
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