Female / Lead / Any Ethnicity / 20-25

This project is accepting online video auditions through Casting Elite. Casting Directors provide specific directions regarding what they'd like to see included in the video auditions. It may be a simple introduction or a reading of sides. By customizing the content, they are able to see your personality and ensure that the submission is recent. You will have until Jun 12, 2015 to record and upload your video.

Audition Instructions/Sides:

Please send a headshot, bio, availability and online video submission of the reading "Meet Me in the Morning"

We are looking for tone and arch more than the exact memorization of the script and improvisation is encouraged. No specific setting is needed for the video submission.

Excerpt from “Meet Me in the Morning”


Character peacefully walks up to a concrete ledge and sits to reflect. The sun starts to peek over the horizon.


I hate that those were the last words I spoke to her...

She died completely out of nowhere... Both of my parents were suppose to grow old. And become my kids grandparents. I never even thought there could be another way... Just when I had everything figured out.

I've always cherished sunrises. More than any other time of day. Every morning, there's a heroic battle. Massive, powerful blue sky. Fearless underdog. And every morning, our reigning champion is briefly defeated. And our lives glow the most elegant orange and purple. It's beautiful. And it seems, all this only to wake the world up... But sunrises capture me. They change the way I see. And in these delicate moments, I love. I'm at peace. I understand.

But I never witness these battles. I guess only because I never make it a point to. But when I do, they're always so fleeting. I never fully grasp them before they're gone... And today I'm still lost. I guess I was hoping for more of that same understanding. But this sunrise is completely different. Almost unwelcome... Right now, all I know for sure is, even though this is my weakest moment, this is my first morning on my own. And in a strange sick way, could this sunrise be my most beautiful?
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