Male or Female / Lead / Any Ethnicity / 16-40
Quintessence - Fantasy Music Collective - Seeking Vocalists
More Project Information and Roles

This project is accepting online video auditions through Casting Elite. Casting Directors provide specific directions regarding what they'd like to see included in the video auditions. It may be a simple introduction or a reading of sides. By customizing the content, they are able to see your personality and ensure that the submission is recent. You will have until Dec 13, 2020 to record and upload your video.

Audition Instructions/Sides:

Tell us about yourself and why you want to join, as well as any other information you'd like to share about yourself that lets us see your personality. Additionally, please sing two short snippets of a ballad or aria, and a pop, rock, metal, or country song.
Casting Elite is not affiliated with YouTube (, it simply utilizes YouTube's features. Any videos that you upload to YouTube must comply with YouTube's Terms of Service.



Feedbacks & Questions

We love hearing from our users. Please contact us with any questions, comments, or suggestions.