Casting Call for Short Film
This project is accepting online auditions for the roles listed below.
Project Title
Casting Agent/Contact
RHS Film Club
Project Type
Short Film
Union Status
2 days
Shoot Dates
Saturday September 1st at 10:30 am, Sunday September 2nd at 12:00pm
Shoot Location
Ridgewood, NJ & Oakland NJ
Katie - A High School girl with a lot of siblings who she struggles to take care of. She strives to be something more than she already is.
Brian - He likes looking good, listens to 70s rock music and is horrible academically. He also has a dysfunctional relationship with his dad.
Katie - A High School girl with a lot of siblings who she struggles to take care of. She strives to be something more than she already is.
Brian - He likes looking good, listens to 70s rock music and is horrible academically. He also has a dysfunctional relationship with his dad.
BRIAN - Male / Lead / Any Ethnicity / 14-18
He likes looking good, listens to 70s rock music and is horrible academically. He has a dysfunctional relationship with his dad.TypeLeadUnionNon-UnionPaying?No - 1 daySpot/EpisodeRole GenderMaleAge Range14-18Ethnic AppearanceAny EthnicityRole DescriptionHe likes looking good, listens to 70s rock music and is horrible academically. He has a dysfunctional relationship with his dad.Nudity?NoSexual Situations?No: NoWardrobeAccepts Video Submissions? -
Brian's Dad - Male / Supporting / Any Ethnicity / 36-50
Frustrated man, tired of his son's academic inefficienciesTypeSupportingUnionNon-UnionPaying?No - 1 daySpot/EpisodeRole GenderMaleAge Range36-50Ethnic AppearanceAny EthnicityRole DescriptionFrustrated man, tired of his son's academic inefficienciesNudity?NoSexual Situations?No: NoWardrobeAccepts Video Submissions? -
KATIE - Female / Lead / Any Ethnicity / 14-18
Katie - A High School girl with a lot of siblings who she struggles to take care of. She strives to be something more than she already is.TypeLeadUnionNon-UnionPaying?No - 1 daySpot/EpisodeRole GenderFemaleAge Range14-18Ethnic AppearanceAny EthnicityRole DescriptionKatie - A High School girl with a lot of siblings who she struggles to take care of. She strives to be something more than she already is.Nudity?NoSexual Situations?No: NoWardrobeAccepts Video Submissions? -
Katie's Mom - Female / Supporting / Any Ethnicity / 35-50
Supportive, friendly mother.TypeSupportingUnionNon-UnionPaying?No - 1 daySpot/EpisodeRole GenderFemaleAge Range35-50Ethnic AppearanceAny EthnicityRole DescriptionSupportive, friendly mother.Nudity?NoSexual Situations?No: NoWardrobeAccepts Video Submissions?
This project accepts online auditions through Casting Elite. To submit for this casting call, click the "Submit Audition" button next to the role that you're interested in and login or create a new account.
Feedbacks & Questions
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