Casting Call for Feature Film
This project is accepting online auditions for the roles listed below.
Vivian: (Supporting, White Female, Age Range 35-55) Character is a housewife, married to a powerful individual in their city. Character appears to have all anyone would want in life. Please be mindful this character has one scene and B-ROLL that requires extremely risque attire. This character must be confident in their body and comfortable filming scenes on the sexier side.
Uncle Pat: (Supporting, Black Male, Age Range 28-40)Comes from the inner city, very well known and respected in his community. Character is the individual you don't want issues with, especially when it comes to family.
Bill: (Supporting, White Male, Age Range 38-55) Very well off, connected and powerful individual, who is not fond of those who don't appear like him, to say.. Character has a my way or no way attitude, which ruined his previous marriage.
Sebastian aka Black: (Supporting, Black Male, Age Range 28-40) Great friend of Uncle Pat. They are like brothers. Comes from the inner city, very well known and respected in his community. Character is the individual you don't want issues with, especially when it comes to family.
Casey: (Supporting, White Male, Age Range 23-30) Bill's son from a previous marriage. He worships the ground his father walks on and will do any and everything to please him. Casey has a following and has established a certain organization.
Bridgette: (Day Player, Black Female, Age Range 23-30) Sister of Pat. One of the nicest people you will meet, until you hit the wrong nerve. Character is rough and rugged when it's time to be.
Dewey: (Lead, Black Male, Age Range 18-22) Smart and talented. Dealt with tragedy at a young age and now being raised by relatives who love and protect him. Seeking to change the dynamic of his family and is pursuing what he wants to accomplish in life. For this character an additional talent is a plus, but not required (Example: sing, dance, instrument, etc.)
Carolyn: (Day Player, White Female, Age Range: 40-65) Character is basically the neighborhood watch. Character is nosey, doesn't miss a thing and ready to snitch.
Detectives/Policeman: (Day Players, Male & Female, Any Race, Age Range: Open) Characters will portray actual policeman and investigators.
Legion X: (Day Players, White Males & White Females, Age Range: Open) An organization that was established to protect their own, so to speak. They are not afraid to carry out assignment. The worse thing is that they seem to get off due to who they know.
SPV: (Day Players, Black Males & Black Females, Age Range: Open) These are simply people in an urban community. They all know each other and will come together and unite.
Dr. Lee: (Day Player, Female, Any Race, Age Range 30-65) Character works as a therapist.
Bill - Male / Principal / Caucasian / 38-55
Very well off, connected and powerful individual, who is not fond of those who don't appear like him, to say.. Character has a my way or no way attitude, which ruined his previous marriage.TypePrincipalUnionNon-UnionPaying?No - 0.00Spot/EpisodeRole GenderMaleAge Range38-55Ethnic AppearanceCaucasianRole DescriptionVery well off, connected and powerful individual, who is not fond of those who don't appear like him, to say.. Character has a my way or no way attitude, which ruined his previous marriage.Nudity?NoSexual Situations?No: NoWardrobeAccepts Video Submissions? -
Bridgette - Female / Other / African American / 23-30
Sister of Pat. One of the nicest people you will meet, until you hit the wrong nerve. Character is rough and rugged when it's time to be.TypeOtherUnionNon-UnionPaying?No - 0.00Spot/EpisodeRole GenderFemaleAge Range23-30Ethnic AppearanceAfrican AmericanRole DescriptionSister of Pat. One of the nicest people you will meet, until you hit the wrong nerve. Character is rough and rugged when it's time to be.Nudity?NoSexual Situations?No: NoWardrobeAccepts Video Submissions? -
Carolyn - Female / Other / Asian, Caucasian, East Indian, Pacific Islander / 38-65
Character is basically the neighborhood watch. Character is nosey, doesn't miss a thing and ready to snitch.TypeOtherUnionNon-UnionPaying?No - 0.00Spot/EpisodeRole GenderFemaleAge Range38-65Ethnic AppearanceAsian, Caucasian, East Indian, Pacific IslanderRole DescriptionCharacter is basically the neighborhood watch. Character is nosey, doesn't miss a thing and ready to snitch.Nudity?NoSexual Situations?No: NoWardrobeAccepts Video Submissions? -
Casey - Male / Supporting / Caucasian / 23-30
Bill's son from a previous marriage. He worships the ground his father walks on and will do any and everything to please him. Casey has a following and has established a certain organization.TypeSupportingUnionNon-UnionPaying?No - 0.00Spot/EpisodeRole GenderMaleAge Range23-30Ethnic AppearanceCaucasianRole DescriptionBill's son from a previous marriage. He worships the ground his father walks on and will do any and everything to please him. Casey has a following and has established a certain organization.Nudity?NoSexual Situations?No: NoWardrobeAccepts Video Submissions? -
Detectives/Policeman - Male or Female / Other / Any Ethnicity / 25-60
Characters will portray actual policeman and investigators.TypeOtherUnionNon-UnionPaying?No - 0.00Spot/EpisodeRole GenderMale or FemaleAge Range25-60Ethnic AppearanceAny EthnicityRole DescriptionCharacters will portray actual policeman and investigators.Nudity?NoSexual Situations?No: NoWardrobeAccepts Video Submissions? -
Dewey - Male / Lead / African American / 18-22
Smart and talented. Dealt with tragedy at a young age and now being raised by relatives who love and protect him. Seeking to change the dynamic of his family and is pursuing what he wants to accomplish in life. For this character an additional talent is a plus, but not required (Example: sing, dance, instrument, etc.)TypeLeadUnionNon-UnionPaying?No - 0.00Spot/EpisodeRole GenderMaleAge Range18-22Ethnic AppearanceAfrican AmericanRole DescriptionSmart and talented. Dealt with tragedy at a young age and now being raised by relatives who love and protect him. Seeking to change the dynamic of his family and is pursuing what he wants to accomplish in life. For this character an additional talent is a plus, but not required (Example: sing, dance, instrument, etc.)Nudity?NoSexual Situations?No: NoWardrobeAccepts Video Submissions? -
Dr. Lee - Female / Other / Asian, Caucasian, East Indian, Ethnically Ambiguous, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Native American, Pacific Islander / 38-60
These are simply people in an urban community. They all know each other and will come together and unite.TypeOtherUnionNon-UnionPaying?No - 0.00Spot/EpisodeRole GenderFemaleAge Range38-60Ethnic AppearanceAsian, Caucasian, East Indian, Ethnically Ambiguous, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Native American, Pacific IslanderRole DescriptionThese are simply people in an urban community. They all know each other and will come together and unite.Nudity?NoSexual Situations?No: NoWardrobeAccepts Video Submissions? -
Dr. Lee - Female / Other / Asian, Caucasian, East Indian, Ethnically Ambiguous, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Native American, Pacific Islander / 38-60
These are simply people in an urban community. They all know each other and will come together and unite.TypeOtherUnionNon-UnionPaying?No - 0.00Spot/EpisodeRole GenderFemaleAge Range38-60Ethnic AppearanceAsian, Caucasian, East Indian, Ethnically Ambiguous, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Native American, Pacific IslanderRole DescriptionThese are simply people in an urban community. They all know each other and will come together and unite.Nudity?NoSexual Situations?No: NoWardrobeAccepts Video Submissions? -
Legion X - Male or Female / Other / Caucasian / 21-40
An organization that was established to protect their own, so to speak. They are not afraid to carry out assignment. The worse thing is that they seem to get off due to who they know.TypeOtherUnionNon-UnionPaying?No - 0.00Spot/EpisodeRole GenderMale or FemaleAge Range21-40Ethnic AppearanceCaucasianRole DescriptionAn organization that was established to protect their own, so to speak. They are not afraid to carry out assignment. The worse thing is that they seem to get off due to who they know.Nudity?NoSexual Situations?No: NoWardrobeAccepts Video Submissions? -
Sebastian aka Black - Male / Supporting / African American / 28-40
Great friend of Uncle Pat. They are like brothers. Comes from the inner city, very well known and respected in his community. Character is the individual you don't want issues with, especially when it comes to family.TypeSupportingUnionNon-UnionPaying?No - 0.00Spot/EpisodeRole GenderMaleAge Range28-40Ethnic AppearanceAfrican AmericanRole DescriptionGreat friend of Uncle Pat. They are like brothers. Comes from the inner city, very well known and respected in his community. Character is the individual you don't want issues with, especially when it comes to family.Nudity?NoSexual Situations?No: NoWardrobeAccepts Video Submissions? -
SVP Community Members - Male or Female / Other / African American / 21-49
These are simply people in an urban community. They all know each other and will come together and unite.TypeOtherUnionNon-UnionPaying?No - 0.00Spot/EpisodeRole GenderMale or FemaleAge Range21-49Ethnic AppearanceAfrican AmericanRole DescriptionThese are simply people in an urban community. They all know each other and will come together and unite.Nudity?NoSexual Situations?No: NoWardrobeAccepts Video Submissions? -
Uncle Pat - Male / Co-Star / African American / 28-40
Comes from the inner city, very well known and respected in his community. Character is the individual you don't want issues with, especially when it comes to family.TypeCo-StarUnionNon-UnionPaying?No - 0.00Spot/EpisodeRole GenderMaleAge Range28-40Ethnic AppearanceAfrican AmericanRole DescriptionComes from the inner city, very well known and respected in his community. Character is the individual you don't want issues with, especially when it comes to family.Nudity?NoSexual Situations?No: NoWardrobeAccepts Video Submissions? -
Vivian - Female / Co-Star / Asian, Caucasian / 35-50
Character is a housewife, married to a powerful individual in their city. Character appears to have all anyone would want in life. Please be mindful this character has one scene and B-ROLL that requires extremely risque attire. This character must be confident in their body and comfortable filming scenes on the sexier side.TypeCo-StarUnionNon-UnionPaying?Yes - 125.00Spot/EpisodeRole GenderFemaleAge Range35-50Ethnic AppearanceAsian, CaucasianRole DescriptionCharacter is a housewife, married to a powerful individual in their city. Character appears to have all anyone would want in life. Please be mindful this character has one scene and B-ROLL that requires extremely risque attire. This character must be confident in their body and comfortable filming scenes on the sexier side.Nudity?NoSexual Situations?No: NoWardrobeCharacter has two B-Roll shots in undergarmentsAccepts Video Submissions?
Feedbacks & Questions
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